Portsmouth Chilli and Gin Festival 2024
Terms and Conditions of Trading
1 Applications
1a) Submission of an application form does not guarantee attendance at the Event. The Organiser will select stallholders based on their suitability for the festival and their likely appeal to all ages. The Organiser’s decision is final in this regard and no reasons for the rejection of an application will be given.
1b) If selected to attend the Event, the stallholder will be REQUIRED TO PAY the booking fee. 25% of this invoice value will be payable within 7 working days to secure your space at the event.
1c) The balance of the booking fee (75%) shall be paid no later than 31st March 2024.
1d) Once the deposit has been paid there are no refunds. The Event will go ahead whatever the weather unless cancelled by the Organiser. If the Event is cancelled by the Organiser, the stallholder’s pitch fees will be refunded. The Organiser will not be liable for any other losses or costs incurred by the stallholder.
1e) Payment to be made by debit/credit card or BACS/Bank Transfer (details below)
Account Name Scarborough Events Ltd
Sort Code 60-83-71
Account Number 43793351
1f) The Organiser reserves the right to refuse any application, or part thereof, at any time, without stating a reason. In this instance, any fees paid will be refunded.
2. Camping
2a) The availability of camping for stallholders is limited and therefore must be booked in advance.
2b) There will be a charge of £10 per person per night.
2c) The campsite will be available from 5 pm on the Friday of the event. All tents must be removed from the campsite by 6 pm on the Sunday of the event
3. Bed and Breakfast
3a) For those who prefer more creature comforts, Bed and Breakfast is available on-site at £45 per person per night.
4. Accessibility to the site
4a) Fort Purbrook has limited vehicular access and no vehicle should be more than 10 feet high and 8 feet wide.
4b) No vehicles will be able to access the site during the opening times.
4c) The Site Rules include the current Event Covid policy, which may include but shall not be limited to proof of Covid 19 health status, vaccination status, or any other requirements as necessary. This is subject to change at any time.
5. Security
5a) Fort Purbrook will be locked up at 10 pm each night and security is on site.
5b) Stallholders are responsible for the safety and security of their stock, vehicles and pitch, and the Organiser accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage to Traders' equipment, merchandise, vehicles or personal belongings.
6. Dog Friendly
6a) Fort Purbrook is a dog-friendly site as long as animals are kept on short leads and owners clear up any mess.
7. Chilli and Gin Festival Programme
7a) We will be producing a detailed programme for the weekend which will include a full list of stallholders and their position. This will also include the weekend’s programme of activities and a site map.
7b) If you would like to place an advert in the programme please contact us.
8. Car Park
8a) Car parks open to the public at 11.30 am on both days of the event (30mins before gates open)
8b) There will be a charge of £3 per car at each car parking site
9. Event opening hours
9a) Gates open to the public at 12Pm on both days of the event
9b) Event closes at 8 pm on BOTH DAYS. All public guests must be off-site no later than 30 minutes after the event closing time
10. Setting up times for stallholders
10a) Stallholders can set up either on Friday evening BETWEEN 5pm AND 8pm or on Saturday between 8am and 10.30am
10b) The site will be closed and secure between 10PM. and 7.30AM.
11. Restocking is permitted
11a) Restocking can take place between 8pm and 9pm on Saturday or between 8am and 11am on Sunday.
12. Breakdown and clearance
12a) The site will need to be cleared on Sunday BETWEEN 8PM and 10PM or on MONDAY between 9am and 12pm.
13. Pitches
13a) The Stallholder shall not extend beyond the agreed pitch size.
13b) Pitches will be allocated on arrival. Stallholders will be contacted with set-up instructions nearer to the time of the Event including who is the point of contact.
13c) The allocation and position of space is entirely at the Organiser’s discretion.
13d) All Stallholders will be charged a pitch fee to trade during the Event. The fee for each pitch includes 4 wristbands for staff members. Further wristbands can be given if required.
13e) Stallholders may not sub-contract any part of their stalls.
13f) Stands must display a business name (at least) and (preferably) a telephone number and/or web/postal address should be displayed.
13g) The stallholder must only sell goods specified in their application. Any changes to the application form must be made in writing at least two weeks prior to the start of the Event.
13h) Stallholders are responsible for “policing” the products that they are selling or sampling. It is a stallholder’s responsibility to ensure that the public are aware of any adverse consequences that sampling products may result in. This is especially important in relation to any particularly hot sauces and the sampling of any alcohol.
14. Insurance and liability
14a) Whilst the Venue and Organiser have comprehensive public liability insurance, Stallholders are
required to hold current public and product liability insurance, with cover of at least £5 million.
14b) Stallholders will not be permitted on site if the Organiser has not received a copy of the Trader’s Public Liability Insurance certificate for £5 million (minimum) in advance.
14c) The full cost of making good or replacing to any damage caused by a stallholder, their employees, contractors and agents will be met by that stallholder.
14d) It is the responsibility of each individual stallholder and their staff to ensure that their stall is safe
- e.g. gazebo secured, electrical installations, stability of heavy equipment and articles and other hazards. The Organiser reserves the right to insist upon the repositioning or removal of any item that is deemed to be unsafe. Stallholders are reminded of their responsibilities under Health and Safety Law.
14e) All stallholders should complete a basic risk assessment on their stall.
14f) The stallholder will indemnify and keep indemnified the Organiser against all actions, proceedings, costs, claims and demands which may be brought or made against the Organiser in respect of personal injury and damage to property arising directly out of the activities in connection with the Event, legal liability of the Organiser excepted.
14g) In the event of any abandonment, postponement or limitation of the festival, or of services thereto,
there shall be no claim against the Organiser.
14h) The stallholder acknowledges that the Organiser is not responsible nor holds any liability for any financial losses incurred by the stallholder, or for any loss or damage of equipment, goods or personal belongings, or personal injury of employees working for or connected to them.
14i) No damage to the Venue, beyond normal wear and tear, is acceptable. The disposal of boiling water, oils, brines etc. at the Venue is strictly forbidden. Any damage will incur a repair charge.
15. Vehicles
15a) For setting up, restocking and clearance only stallholders may bring service vehicles right up to their stands, subject to location, weather and ground conditions.
15b) Stallholders will NOT be permitted to park vehicles behind their stalls. Service vehicles must remain in the designated stallholder car park except during the Setting Up, Restocking and Breakdown times.
15c) Vehicle passes will be supplied and must be visible.
If a vehicle is essential to the functioning of a stallholder’s stand this should be discussed and agreed upon before filling out the application form.
15d) Further instructions regarding vehicle movement will be provided with set up information.
16. Selling Food Products
16a) Stallholders engaged in the sale of food products are hereby reminded of their legal obligations as per the Health and Safety Acts, Food Safety Act, Electricity at Work Act, and trading standards law. Traders, as well as their staff, bear the onus of ensuring full compliance with all statutory requirements pertaining to hygiene, safety, labelling, and weights and measures. As part of the application process, it is essential to provide copies of relevant Food Hygiene Training Certificates and Food Hygiene Rating Certificates.
16b) All electrical equipment must have been tested for electrical safety by a competent person within the last twelve months and be clearly marked with the test results. Traders will not be permitted to use or connect any equipment that is either deemed unsuitable by the Organiser or does not carry a recent PAT (Portable Appliance Test) certificate or sticker. A current Test Certificate may be requested.
16c) Caterers must ensure any gas appliances are properly certified and provide documentation for this.
16d) There is a water supply on site, but stallholders will need to make provision for transporting water from the water supply to their pitch
17. Recycling and Rubbish
17a) The Organiser does not provide dustbins for stallholders. Stallholders who expect to generate a
lot of rubbish should provide their own receptacles.
17b) A recycling area will be made available
18. Noise
18a) The Organiser reserves the right to reduce or curtail any excess noise a stallholder creates if
it is deemed to be affecting other stallholders or festival activities. PA systems are not allowed on
19. Smoking
19a) Due to the smoking ban it is illegal to smoke in any public space that is enclosed or undercover (this includes marquees, gazebos and similar structures).
20. General
20a) The submission of an application form implies acceptance of these terms and conditions and any addition, variation or amendment as is reasonably required.
20b) “Organiser” means Scarborough Events Limited, its employees, contractors and agents.
20c) “The Venue” means Fort Purbrook, which is part of Peter Ashley Activities Centres.
20d) “The Event” means the Portsmouth Chilli and Gin Festival 2024
20e) “Stallholder”, “Trader” or “Exhibitor” means any person or organisation allocated space to trade at the Event.
20f) Acceptance by the Organiser of a stallholder’s application grants the stallholder licence to trade at the Event on the following terms and conditions. Any violation of these terms and conditions will render this Licence null and void, and in that event, the Organiser reserves the right to remove the stallholder and any of their possessions from the Venue without compensation or refund of the Licence fee.
20g) The Organiser reserves the right to refuse any application, or part thereof, without stating a reason. In this instance, all fees paid will be refunded.
20h) Once a stallholder’s application has been accepted there are no refunds. The Event will go ahead whatever the weather unless cancelled by the Organiser.
20i) In all instances the Organiser’s decision is final.